A group of people chatting in a seating area

Audi Benefits

We have set ourselves the goal of creating a framework in which you can actively shape your day-to-day work – no matter what your circumstances. For this we offer you a strong and comprehensive package of benefits for maximum flexibility, personal development, good health and, above all, enjoyment in what you do.


What to expect from the Audi family

Presentation of benefitsPresentation of benefits

Work-life balance

In life, circumstances are constantly changing. We do everything we can to ensure that your work and private life remain in harmony. We support you with specific services, wherever and whenever it is necessary.

Illustration: Combining private life and workIllustration: Combining private life and work

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Child careTo ensure the best possible care for the children of our employees, there are places at several daycare centers and a plentiful pool of programs for children during school breaks. We also help bridge bottlenecks in child care with our flexible, short-term care.
Flexible work scheduleSatisfaction creates motivation. This is why Audi supports you in every phase of life. For instance, flexible work schedules allow you to organize your working time according to your needs.
Mobile workingWhether you have a family, studying or pursuing a further education or would like to design your working day individually: One goal we have set for ourselves is to create optimal conditions for combining work and leisure. This is why we offer our employees the freedom to devote their working time flexibly between various work locations.
Home officeWorking from a home office is another way for our employees to reconcile work and private life to their own personal needs.
Sabbatical yearInnovation requires creativity and motivation. We also support you in planning your personal life with longer breaks. If you would like to take a break for a period, this is possible as part of an Audi sabbatical.
Community volunteeringThe company actively supports you in getting involved in volunteering – independently, in your team or cross-divisionally in company-wide project days, such as the Audi Volunteer Days at our Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm sites. Volunteering allows you to broaden your horizons, develop as an individual and, at the same time, contribute to strengthening social cohesion and improving the quality of life in the respective regions.
Support in family careTo relieve the burden on employees who are also carers, Audi provides numerous opportunities for information and support. To care for close relatives, our employees can obtain full- or part-time leave. After a period of family care, we will help you return to work and will not leave you on your own during this time.

“The sudden need to care for my father has presented my siblings and me with great emotional and bureaucratic challenges. Audi has supported us enormously, both through its partner organization famPLUS and through a variety of information and advice formats. That gave me courage and helped a lot in this situation.”

― Tanja Gerlinger, sales controller, with Audi since 1997

Portrait of Tanja Gerlinger

Additional benefits

Your work at Audi should be fun – but also offer you many advantages. We make sure that your work is worthwhile and provide you with a comprehensive package of additional benefits.

Illustration of additional benefits such as Profit sharing, Mobility Programs, Pension provisions and Anniversaries benefitsIllustration of additional benefits such as Profit sharing, Mobility Programs, Pension provisions and Anniversaries benefits

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Profit-sharingIn addition to the collective agreement benefits, we rely on performance- and earnings-oriented components of remuneration.
Mobility programs

Leasing and purchase offers

As a mobility provider, we offer our employees attractive leasing and purchase offers for new or relatively new used vehicles as well as customised offers for personal company cars.


Audi bicycle leasing

Audi offers employees in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm the option of attractive bicycle leasing in cooperation with "Lease a Bike". Whether city bike, cargo bike or electric bike - employees can easily lease their dream bike including service package over a period of 36 months.

The lower taxable income results in discounts compared to the classic purchase.


Audi job ticket

In cooperation with the local public transport partners VGI and HNV, we offer all active employees, trainees and dual students in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm a discounted job ticket subsidised by AUDI AG. The Audi job ticket promotes local public transport, protects the environment and makes a significant contribution to easing traffic congestion in the Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm regions.

Pension provisions
The Audi occupational pensions are an important element in ensuring that you are well protected in your retirement phase of life. In addition, as an Audi employee, you are free to convert part of the remuneration during the employment phase with our help and to invest in your own retirement plan.
Anniversaries benefitsAnyone who feels comfortable, encouraged and challenged will remain loyal to us for a long time. Long-standing commitment is honored separately with us.
Service and benefitAs an employee, you can have parcels delivered to our packing station.
Special remunerationsWe express our special appreciation with extra payments. Audi employees can also receive asset-building benefits as well as Sunday, holiday and night bonuses, depending on their area of work.
Further single paymentsWith us you will also receive, among others, (additional) holiday pay, a special bonus, the additional annual collective allowance (T-Zug) and, from 2022, a ‘transformation payment’ (Trafobaustein/T-Geld).
Flexibility and free time/Converting T-Zug into extra leave
In principle, every Audi employee covered by a collective bargaining agreement has the option of converting their additional annual collective allowance (‘T-Zug’) into six or, under certain conditions, eight days of extra leave.

“It’s just great and it makes me proud to be able to drive our wonderful cars myself and to do so without unnecessary bureaucracy and at a fair price. I’ve just used the employee discount to fulfil a small dream of mine and bought myself an Audi Q4 e-tron.”

― Volker Knöll, strategic planning/benchmarking, with Audi since 1997

Portrait of Volker Knöll next to an Audi model

Development opportunities

Development means different things to different people. That is why you will receive the maximum flexibility for your professional career, through internal qualification offers such as the Audi Academy, as well as leaves of absence or re-employment guarantees.

Illustration of development opportunities such as Audi Akademie, Experience abroad, Horizontal and vertical development and career development programIllustration of development opportunities such as Audi Akademie, Experience abroad, Horizontal and vertical development and career development program

More details

Training programsHere at Audi, we are committed to the basic principle of life-long learning. We firmly believe that it is key to the capacity to innovate and to motivated employees – and that it empowers each individual to achieve his or her own personal goals in life.
Audi AkademieWe work together here on developing your personal competences: Top-quality, individual training programs and practical advanced training are available to every Audi employee – in both specific disciplines and interdisciplinary subjects, and over the course of your entire career.
Horizontal and vertical developmentAudi enables you to develop horizontally and vertically. We create a vision together – for our company and your personal growth. Existing competences are strengthen, groundbreaking new skills are cultivated. Regular supervisor’s performance reviews round out our development portfolio for you.
Experience abroadAs an international company, we offer you extensive development prospects abroad. You can make the most of your potential not only at the two German Audi plants in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm, but also worldwide  - for at least four months and a maximum of five years in one location.
Career development programHighly qualified employees are an important contributor to the success of Audi. However, their very personal mobility also entails the opportunity to reallocate within the company over and over again -through cross-divisional activity changes. We encourage and challenge you to rekindle your motivation and creativity over and over again.
Support programsThe following applies to the leap into management: It is crucial that you convince us as a top performer and correspond to the Audi competence profile. Decisive for this are your qualifications, your personality and your potential. For your personal advantage.

“I’ve taken leave of absence at Audi several times at my own request to pursue further education, both for my technical qualifications and for my subsequent degree. Internally too, I was able to change across departments again and again. This flexibility is a unique benefit.”

― Markus Pfäffl, integration overall network management, with Audi since 2004

Porttrait of Markus Pfäffl


Health is more than just the absence of illness. For us, your personal wellbeing is part of holistic health management. This starts with the opportunity to join our own company health insurance scheme and continues with prevention, fitness, and nutrition.

Illustration of health benefits at Audi such as Audi BKK, Mental health & wellbeing, Fitness programs and GastronomyIllustration of health benefits at Audi such as Audi BKK, Mental health & wellbeing, Fitness programs and Gastronomy

More details

Audi BKKOur company health insurance offers above-average benefits at a below-average contribution rate. Naturally, at Audi BKK, health, preventive and care offers, special programs for mother and child as well as individual, personal service are included.
Prevention programAs a responsible employer, we believe health care shouldn’t just start when you get sick. On the contrary, our prevention programs prevent hazards to health, safety and performance and ensure help is provided at an early stage in the event of a medical emergency. Occupational Health promotes programmes relating to the four key themes of exercise, mental health, nutrition and addiction prevention.
Mental health and wellbeing

Since our successful in-house campaign to destigmatise mental health issues: “Everyone has mental health. Why not talk about it?”, the emphasis on prevention has gained an important place in corporate thinking and action. It is important to Audi that employees pay attention to their mental health and wellbeing – even if there are no apparent problems, challenges or illnesses.
Of course, the occupational support for dealing with mental health issues is as much a given as the practical help on a case-by-case basis through in-house and external counselling and treatment options.

Company medical services
As well as work-related occupational health check-ups, the work of the company’s doctors involves offering individual health advice. This also includes advising and examining Audi employees before they spend time abroad on business. Furthermore, with ‘Audi Check-up’ we provide a prevention programme that aims to maintain and improve the health of our entire workforce.
First-aid service and occupational health ambulance

The initial treatment of injuries and acute medical symptoms takes place at our first-aid stations and health centres. The Occupational Health Emergency Service is contactable around the clock. To ensure efficient initial treatment for acute illnesses and injuries, first-aider courses are also offered in the company.

Ergonomic counseling

At Audi we design our workstations in accordance with the latest ergonomic, safety and occupational health standards. By doing so, we improve the health, well-being and productivity of each individual employee.
Workplace design takes into account, among other things, the characteristics of the room, work processes and technical equipment and also offers subsidised opportunities for setting up home offices for mobile working, for example.

Fitness programs
A love of sport is in our DNA – so naturally the healthy balance of mind and body is paramount to us. Our employees can train in Audi’s own gym, take a yoga class with their department or practise fitness exercises in the workplace. ‘Vorsprung’ begins with the first step.

In our modern canteen facilities, we offer all employees a healthy and varied diet. We delight our customers with real variety, noticeable quality and the use of fresh, regional produce. We are working constantly on a contemporary, sustainable and attractive culinary offer that is guaranteed to satisfy our guests.

“When I was affected by depression and burn-out, Audi was there to help me, working in direct cooperation with the health system. I was enormously relieved. I think it’s great that Audi is taking such a proactive approach to the issue of mental health, most recently with its ‘Everyone has mental health’ initiative. It makes it so much easier for those of us who are affected to talk about it.”

― Maria Märtl, personnel and competency restructuring, with Audi since 2006

Portrait of Maria Märtl sitting in a hall